Dear Summer Solstice Tour Participant,
Thanks again for signing up for the Bicycle Club of Irvine's Summer Solstice Tour!
I trust you will not share this secret info to any one who is not signed up!

This is detailed route information... Maps & Pictures,
I will hand out & go over the
actual route sheets Saturday.

Some folks are fine with the route sheet I will give you Saturday
~ other's really like MAPS!
Here is the route; detailed with maps.
If you want maps - please print out your own copy of this web page...

It may take a while to download this site - and about 14 pages to print it all,
but if you study it you will see how easy the route is
& will not even need
a route sheet this weekend!

Remember - the ride meets @ 8:30 & leaves @ 9AM from
DCP in Irvine
along with the regular Saturday Club Riders
We will start from Deerfield Park because the Civic Center is hosting a huge festal on the 21st.
Please park your cars on the streets as usual for Deerfield, leaving the parking lot free for park guests.

The Parking lot exits on DEERWOOD; briefly - just to get out to the left on IRVINE CENTER DRIVE East to ALTON

We will head down ALTON to BARRANCA / MUIRLANDS - still in familiar territory!

MUIRLANDS all the way till it ends at LA PAZ - then a jog under the Freeway on LA PAZ to CABOT:

CABOT gets ugly by the Crown Valley CostCO: Hilly & no bike lane...

but there is the OSO CREEK BIKE TRAIL (dotted line on map) that gets you over to FORBES ROAD.

FORBES ROAD goes right into the MetroLink depot where you can get under the railroad tracks !

Laguna Niguel / Mission Viejo MetroLink Depot:

RR Xing Underpass:

24 steps down - Forbes Side:

24 steps up - Camino Capistrano side:

and if you are loaded there are even a pair of elevators ~ one on each side!

The underpass gets you out to CAMINO CAPISTRANO. No fording creeks, mud or sand !

We take CAMINO CAPISTRANO all the way down hill past the mission right to the beach...
Or if you prefer BIKE TRAILS pick up the Trabuco Creek BIKE TRAIL to the San Juan Creek BIKE TRAIL
all the way to the shore of the Pacific...
See the Sunday return details below for BIKE TRAIL option...

CAMINO CAPISTRANO is a frontage road to the 5 freeway after crossing San Juan Creek, then it drops down into Capistrano Beach,
and at the beach it flows right into the COAST HIGHWAY and EL CAMINO REAL; Stay on it all the way through San Clemente;
There is a popular Carl's JR where folks stop as a last chance for cold drinks & lunch before San Diego County;
but there are much better choices for lunch earlier in San Clemente...

At the end of EL CAMINO REAL turn right on CHRISTIANITOS over the Freeway.
Just behind the fence at the on ramp, there is a BIKE TRAIL / SURFER FOOT PATH down to the old highway bridge.
The trail connects to the old highway frontage road past San Onofre Power Plant and into San Onofre State Beach campground.
Ride all the way through the camp site & out the South end gate into Camp Pendleton...

The old highway continues to run from the South end of San Onofre State Beach campground
all the way to LAS PULGAS as a Bike / Tank lane;

Since Camp Pendleton is still on alert, we will not be allowed to ride the base past LAS PULGAS again this year.

SEE Charlie & Lynne's OCW AMTRACK CENTURY page with details & views of this part of the route!

We will have Bob Nugent's aid station at LAS PULGAS; Look for him in the shade under the 5 Freeway
Regroup here & ride the I-5 Freeway South together in SINGLE FILE packs: A group is more visible!
Stay Right & SHOUT OUT if Passing other riders on their left; it get's loud on Freeways!

Yes it's legal; and the shoulder here is wide and pretty smooth: But keep alert, to the right & single file!

You MUST exit at the rest stop (2 miles) so regroup there again for the next 6 miles...

AGAIN:Remember to ride to the RIGHT edge & call out "ON YOUR LEFT" when you choose to pass someone.

You will get off the Freeway at OCEANSIDE HARBOR DRIVE;

If you want to do HELL (I mean HILL) STREET Saturday go straight off the Freeway up past the Denny's;
HILL continues all the way to camp but it is down-town Oceanside & ugly riding; (green line)
Best to drop down to the Marina on HARBOR & get onto PACIFIC; It follows the beach;
slower going but scenic and much nicer! (pink line)

At the South end of Oceanside the Bike Route turns off PACIFIC at CASSIDY, jogs on BROADWAY & VISTA,
Then turns onto HILL STREET / COAST HIGHWAY / CARLSBAD BLVD into Carlsbad and on to camp

CARLSBAD BLVD follows the shore; at POINSETTIA Turn into camp (A) if you are camping; (Sites126 & 175)
or turn Left on POINSETTIA to AVE ENCINAS;
The Inns of America is on the corner (B). Motel 6 is right across from the Inn...
In the evening we will all walk over for Dinner & to watch the sun set & roast marshmallows at the Group Campfire (A)

Group area inside the State Beach Campground


In the Morning, the campers ride to the Inn to get some coffee & say good morning;
Every one trickles out so check out early if you want to group up!

AVENIDA ENCINAS takes you North from the Inn to PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD;
which drops you over the track onto NORTH PCH/ COAST HIGHWAY / CARLSBAD BLVD / HILL STREET

Breakfasts along the road into Carlsbad & Oceanside if the continental breakfast is not sufficient;
You can jog over with VISTA / BROADWAY / CASSIDY to PACIFIC back to HARBOR but the hill out of the marina is a huff!
Sunday Morning if it's foggy the beach is not as nice, and HILL STREET is quieter, and offers breakfast stops
so you may choose to stay on it coming North... You eventually need to get to HARBOR.

You go under the I-5 Freeway on HARBOR; Cars are merging in & passing the right, at FREEWAY SPEEDS
but as you approach the main gate to Camp Pendleton you should hold your lane & make the first left turn pocket (SAN RAFAEL)
onto the I -5 FREEWAY; Regroup with a few others; more riders are more visible and wear your brightest gear!
You can regroup again about 6 miles North at the rest area. Watch the mirrors & hope the fog lifts!

After about 8 miles on the I-5 Freeway, Las Pulgas get's you back to the quiet Bike Trail to San Onofre State Beach...

After San Clemente, we will be taking the Bike Trail from Capo Beach upstream through San Juan Capistrano
So other than this Bike Trail portion, we follow the same route home all the way back to Irvine...


Pink route is Saturday Southbound; Green is Sunday's Bike Trail Home:

The COAST HIGHWAY follows the shore from San Clemente to Capistrano Beach; at PALISADES turn left toward the sand;
Just over the rail road tracks a BIKE TRAIL follows the old BEACH ROAD into Doheny State Beach.
A BIKE TRAIL follows San Juan Creek up into San Juan Capistrano.
Much nicer than staying on Camino Capistrano Northbound, which has no shoulder where it runs along the freeway.

The San Juan Creek BIKE TRAIL follows the channel to Descanso Park. There we turn up stream on Trabuco Creek BIKE TRAIL
The Trabuco Creek BIKE TRAIL ends at AVENITA DE LA VISTA.
Turn right on LA ZANJA which crosses the rail road tracks; Turn left back onto CAMINO CAPISTRANO.

If you want to stop near the mission, you can explore the historic old 'Los Rios' area, by taking RAMOS to LOS RIOS;
you can walk across the tracks at VERDUGO to get over toward the mission, and then resume the tour on CAMINO CAPISTRANO Northbound.