1 | Bill Sellin | $25 | 3/7 | 2 | Dev Sellin | $25 | 3/7 | 3 | Mike Brooks | truck!* | 3/7 | ||
4 | Penny Poorman | $25 | 6/2 | 5 | Neal Hutchinson | $25 | 3/8 | 6 | Candi Hutchinson | $25 | 3/8 | ||
7 | Kathi Bloom | $25 |
3/19 |
8 | Gordon Bloom | $25 | 3/19 | 9 | Will Decker | $25 | 3/21 | ||
10 | Kathi Decker | $15* | 3/23 | 11 | Rich McCarthy | $25 | 3/22 | 12 | Linda McCarthy | $25 | 3/22 | ||
13 | Sandy Martin | $25 | 3/25 | 14 | Scott Martin | $25 | 3/25 | 15 | Fran Reynard |
$25 |
4/7 |
16 | Aaron Sher | $25 | 4/15 | 17 | Beth Sher | $25 | 4/15 | 18 | Miae Han |
$25 |
6/21 |
19 | Ramona Dalton | $25 | 5/3 | 20 | Don Tillinghast | $25 | 5/3 | 21 | Don Krueger |
$25 |
5/8 |
22 | Ann Krueger | $15* | 5/8 | 23 | Kathy Fenner |
$25 |
5/12 | 24 | Cathy McCoy |
$25 |
5/15 |
25 | Kristina Carpenter | $25 |
5/21 | 26 | Wayne Carpenter | $25 |
5/21 | 27 | Jeff French | $25 |
5/21 | ||
28 | Jodie Kinney |
$25 |
5/22 |
29 | Bob Kinney |
$25 |
5/22 |
30 | Bob Schuster |
$25 |
6/1 | ||
31 | Al Liechty | $25 | 5/24 | 32 | Pala Liechty | $25 | 5/24 | 33 | Ron Chrichton |
$15* |
5/27 |
34 | Dolores Gitlin |
$15* |
5/27 | 35 | Jim Norman |
$25 |
6/6 |
36 | Sue Butler |
$25 |
6/6 |
37 | Steve Buescher |
$25 |
6/6 |
38 | Deborah Johnston |
$15* |
6/6 |
39 | Rebecca Buescher |
$25 |
6/7 |
40 | Joseph Buescher |
$25 |
6/7 |
41 | Bruce Wendel |
$25 |
6/10 |
42 | Karen Wendel |
$25 |
6/10 |
43 | Robert Tinkham | $25 |
6/10 |
44 | Audrey Shapiro |
$15* |
6/10 |
45 | Ron Heatherington |
$25 |
6/11 |
46 | Jean Hetherington |
$25 |
6/11 |
47 | Joe Sortais |
$25 |
6/13 |
48 |
Kim Gallagher |
$15* |
6/21 |
49 | Julie Dailey |
$25 |
6/21 |
50 | Justin Silverman |
$25 |
6/21 |
51 | Jenny Short |
$15* |
6/21 |
52 | Clint McDonald |
$15* |
6/21 |
53 | Nancy McDonald |
$15* |
6/21 |
![]() 2014 DETAILS, UPDATES & REMINDERS: WE WILL RIDE AGAIN FROM THE IRVINE STATION AMTRAK / METROLINK DEPOT! Pre-Ride Prep: Print your own Route Sheets if you want & mark up a map or two if you like! (We will have route sheet copies at the start) Saturday 54.7 mile route to Carlsbad (2 columns on 1 page!) Here is a detailed route to check out in advance!: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/5014305 ![]() Note this year's detour through San Juan Capistrano @ mile 12.9 to 13.9 San Clemente Options @ mile 20 ![]() (click to expand this map image in another window) 1: Follow the blue route on the posted Bike Route through town. Option 1 is detailed on the route for Saturday @ mile 20 to 22.5. 2: The red line stays on PCH / El Camino Real in traffic... Option 2 is on the route for Sunday and not as nice in Saturday mid-day traffic. 3: Enjoy the green line option; dismounting & walking some parts - but check out the flat multi use dirt path Beach Trail! Note the new exit from Camp Pendleton @ mile 43.6 to 45.3 Bill took the train down Wednesday & scoped out the exit; a very nice MP deleted all his photos taken to show you the turns, but here is a detailed map of the route from mile 43 to 45.7: (click to view full size!) ![]() SATURDAY Ride starts at 9 am from the Irvine Station (Regular BCI Saturday Rides are all from Deerfield at 9 am) Mike's Trailer won't get to the start before 8; Park, load your gear & get signed in AFTER 8 Routes details & review at 8:50 for Group Ride Start at 9 AM ========= Several Folks always short cut & start from San Clemente: Get your bags on the truck @ the station & get signed in see the group off at 9 and TRAIN ($10 weekend day pass - bring a crisp $10 bill!) or DRIVE to San Clemente & find a place to legally park overnight - then ride to Carl's Jr to regroup & perhaps meet up with others coming down the route & join the Tour there to ride into San Onofre & Pendleton together Best Bet: Park near or at the Metrolink station at the North end of town visit the Bicycles San Clemente / OCBC Headquarters & start with the posted Bike Route through town as detailed on the route sheet. ========== CARRY ID (Drivers License & Emergency Contact!): No ID and the Marines can say no at the gate & you will get to ride the I-5 FREEWAY shoulder ========= IF YOU ARE RUNNING LATE SATURDAY TO THE STATION CALL Mike @ (562) 881-3614 SO MIKE KNOWS TO WAIT FOR YOUR BAGGAGE AT THE START ! ========= SATURDAY LUNCH SPECIAL A friend of Jodie & Bob owns the newly refurbished Oceanside Broiler at 1325 HARBOR DRIVE NORTH just off the route (turn rtight at North Harbor Drive just after Mile 45.3 on Saturday's route) and will give a 20% discount to anyone mentioning their BCI membership ! so if you are fast enough to get to Oceanside by lunch, check out fine dining at www.oceanside-broiler.com ========= Party at 4:30 - Dinner at 6 PM - Sunset at 8:05 For those with dietary concerns, we will have Pizza's delivered (veggie & meat) and griled chicken, salad and fruit and sodas - There is a market 2 blocks east if you need to find extra/other food or beer/wine... ========= ![]() SUNDAY Sunday 52.9 mile return route slip (2 per page) Here is a detailed route to check out in advance! http://ridewithgps.com/routes/5014535 ![]() Load Trailer before 8 when Mike will LEAVE ! Optional Group start at 7:30 am before scattering at various breakfast options... You will find the Trailer back at the start in Irvine BY NOON UNTIL 3:45 PM LATEST After that your gear will be stored by Bill so DO NOT race back before 12 or take a long lunch & nap before you return to the truck after 3:30! ========= |