1 | Bill Sellin | $25 | 4/7 | 2 | Dev Sellin | $25 | 4/7 | 3 | Mike Brooks (D) (Truck & trailer) | $15 | 4/7 | ||
4 | Penny Poorman (Food) | $25 | 6/5 | 5 | Ramona Dalton † | $25 | 5/11 | 6 | Don Tillinghast | $25 | 5/11 | ||
7 | Richard Martin | $25 | 5/21 | 8 | Neal Hutchinson | $25 | 5/27 | 9 | Candi Hutchinson | $25 | 5/27 | ||
10 | Jennifer Short | $25 | 5/29 | 11 | Kristina Carpenter | $25 | 5/31 | 12 | Wayne Carpenter | $25 | 5/31 | ||
13 | Cathy McCoy | $ 25 | 6/1 | 14 | Patty Hoskins | $ 25 | 6/1 | 15 | John Hoskins (D) | $ 15 | 6/1 | ||
16 | Katja Harwat | $25 | 6/4 | 17 | Frank Vose | $ 15 | 6/4 | 18 | Bill Sarno | $45 | 6/10 | ||
19 | Sue Butler | $25 | 6/12 | 20 | Chris Hickersberger | $25 | 6/12 | 21 | Kay Utley | $25 | 6/12 | ||
22 | Trish Burgio | $ | 6/22 | 23 | Jane Ferguson | $ | 6/22 |
2013 DETAILS, UPDATES & REMINDERS: RIDE WILL START FROM IRVINE this year WE WILL RIDE FROM IRVINE STATION AMTRAK / METROLINK DEPOT! Pre-Ride Prep: Print your own Route Sheet if you want & mark up a map or two if you like! Page 1 is Saturday to Vista - Page 2 is Sunday return Page 3 is a loop from the motel to Oceanside, Carlsbad & back to motel (join the tourists on Saturday for their last 15 miles of their approach &/or Sunday for their ride down to the coast before climbing back on your own up to the motel) Page 4 is the same idea, but uses the initial planned HILLY route back to the motel (We will have copies at the start) San Clemente Options: ![]() (click to expand this map image in another window) 1: Follow the blue route on the posted Bike Route through town. Option 1 is detailed on the south bound Tour Route Sheet for Saturday. 2: The red line stays on PCH / El Camino Real in traffic... Option 2 is on the Tour Route Sheet north bound on Sunday morning. 3: Enjoy the green line option; dismounting & walking some parts - but check out the flat multi use dirt path Beach Trail! Ride starts at 9 am from the Irvine Station (Regular BCI Saturday Rides are all from Deerfield at 9 am) Mike's Trailer won't get to the start before 8; Park, load your gear & get signed in AFTER 8 Routes details & review at 8:50 for MASS Ride Start at 9 AM ========= Several Folks always short cut & start from San Clemente: Get your bags on the truck @ the station & get signed in see the group off at 9 and TRAIN ($10 weekend pass - bring a crisp $10 bill!) or DRIVE to San Clemente & find a place to legally park overnight - then ride to Carl's Jr to regroup & perhaps meet up with others coming down the route & join the Tour there to ride into San Onofre & Pendleton together Best Bet: Park near or at the Metrolink station at the North end of town visit the Bicycles San Clemente / OCBC Headquarters & start @ mile 20.2 with the posted Bike Route through town as detailed on the route sheet. ========== CARRY ID (Drivers License & Emergency Contact!): No ID and the Marines can say no at the gate & you will get to ride the FREEWAY shoulder ========= IF YOU ARE RUNNING LATE SATURDAY TO THE STATION CALL Mike @ (562) 881-3614 SO MIKE KNOWS TO WAIT FOR YOUR BAGGAGE AT THE START ! ========= Party at 4:30 - Dinner at 6 PM ========= SUNDAY Load Trailer before 8 when Mike will LEAVE to join us at breakfast ! Tour (and Loop Riders) start together at 7:30 am from hotel before breakfast... 1st breakfast at mile 0.6; 2nd chance at mile 15.5... You will find the Trailer back at the start BY NOON when you get back to Irvine UNTIL 3:45 PM LATEST After that your gear will be held by Bill (NO BCI meeting June 26th...) so DO NOT race back before 12 or take a long lunch & nap before you return to the truck after 3:30! ========= |
Bill Sellin | Dev Sellin | |||
Mike Brooks (D) (Truck & trailer) | Penny Poorman (Food) | †Tommie Kozlov (Rooms) | ||
Richard McCarthy* | Linda McCarthy | *David Wineberg | ||
*Nancy Wineberg | Joseph Edwards | Hahn Huynh | ||
Wade Bannister | Will Decker | Kathi Decker (D) | ||
Pamella Stone | Jean Hetherington | Ron Hetherington | ||
Al Liechty | Pala Liechty | Cathy McCoy | ||
Laurie Ostrow | Dolores Gitlin (D) | Ron Crichton (D) | ||
Francesca Sidoli | Marta Schilling (D) | Rhonda Larson | ||
Pam Tice | Don White | Jennifer Short | ||
Don Tillinghast | Ramona Tillinghast | Michele Burns | ||
Monica McCarthy | Sue Butler | Justin Glasenapp | ||
Bob Ruris | Barb Ruris (D) | Lynne Billie | ||
Troy Wilson | Kelly Wilson (D) | Troy's 6yr old (D) | ||
Troy's 3yr old (D) | Jodie Kinney | Deby Six | ||
Lynette LaRoche | Bob Engemann | Karen Kelly | ||
Judy Quon (D) | William Quon (D) | Kim Gerrard | ||
Peter Gerrard | Bill Childs | Fran Reynard | ||
Beth Sher (D) | Aaron Sher (D) | Cindy King | ||
Mary Uffelman (D) | Irma Bonilla | Karina Coronado (D) | ||
Mike Weber (D) |
Penny Poorman | Mike Brooks (D) | *Tommie Kozlov | ||
Rhonda Larson | ^Bill Sellin | Dev Sellin (D) | ||
Joseph Edwards | Katja Harwat | Frank Vose (D) | ||
Monica McCarthy | Ron Hetherington | Jean Hetherington | ||
Norm Moyer | Bob McHenry | Will Decker | ||
Kathy Decker (D) | Brian Freidman | Jenny Chiang | ||
†Bill Hughes | ^Fran Reynard | John Hoskins (D) | ||
Patty Hoskins | Ramona Tillinghast | Don Tillinghast | ||
Rich McCarthy | ^Linda McCarthy | Don Krueger | ||
Ann Krueger (D) | †Sue Butler | Aaron Sher | ||
^Beth Sher | Kathy Shapiro | Jenny Short | ||
†Al Liechty | †Pala Liechty | Susie Lehmann | ||
*Kathy Fenner | *Bob Schuster | Bob Ruris (D) | ||
Barbara Ruris (D) | Kim Gerrard | Peter Gerrard (D) | ||
Pam Tice | Don White | |||
George Scott | Susan Soper (D) |