YOUR NAME HERE? | 1 | Bill Sellin | $20 | 3/1 | 2 | Dev Sellin | $20 | 3/1 | |||||
3 | Mike Brooks (D) (Truck & trailer) | $15 | 3/1 | 4 | Penny Poorman (Food) | $20 | 4/11 | 5 | †Tommie Kozlov (Rooms) | $20 | 3/10 | ||
6 | Richard McCarthy* | $20 | 3/4 | 7 | Linda McCarthy | $20 | 3/4 | 8 | *David Wineberg | $20 | 3/7 | ||
9 | *Nancy Wineberg | $20 | 3/7 | 10 | Joseph Edwards | $20 | 3/13 | 11 | Hahn Huynh | $20 | 3/24 | ||
12 | Wade Bannister | $20 | 3/24 | 13 | Will Decker | $20 | 3/30 | 14 | Kathi Decker (D) | $15 | 3/30 | ||
15 | Pamella Stone | $20 | 4/2 | 16 | Jean Hetherington | $20 | 4/4 | 17 | Ron Hetherington | $20 | 4/4 | ||
18 | Al Liechty | $20 | 4/5 | 19 | Pala Liechty | $20 | 4/5 | 20 | Cathy McCoy | $20 | 4/14 | ||
21 | Laurie Ostrow | $20 | 4/25 | 22 | Dolores Gitlin (D) | $15 | 5/2 | 23 | Ron Crichton (D) | $15 | 5/2 | ||
24 | Francesca Sidoli | $20 | 5/10 | 25 | Marta Schilling (D) | $15 | 5/10 | 26 | Rhonda Larson | $20 | 5/11 | ||
27 | Pam Tice | $20 | 5/14 | 28 | Don White | $20 | 5/14 | 29 | Jennifer Short | $20 | 5/30 | ||
30 | Don Tillinghast | $20 | 5/30 | 31 | Ramona Tillinghast | $20 | 5/30 | 31 | Michele Burns | $20 | 5/31 | ||
32 | Monica McCarthy | $20 | 6/1 | 33 | Sue Butler | $20 | 6/1 | 34 | Justin Glasenapp | $20 | 6/6 | ||
35 | Bob Ruris | $20 | 6/9 | 36 | Barb Ruris (D) | $15 | 6/9 | 37 | Lynne Billie | $20 | 6/6 | ||
38 | Troy Wilson | $20 | 6/12 | 39 | Kelly Wilson (D) | $15 | 6/12 | 39 | Troy's 6yr old (D) | $7.50 | 6/12 | ||
40 | Troy's 3yr old (D) | $7.50 | 6/12 | 41 | Jodie Kinney | $20 | 6/12 | 42 | Deby Six | $20 | 6/12 | ||
43 | Lynette LaRoche | $20 | 6/12 | 44 | Bob Engemann | $20 | 6/12 | 45 | Karen Kelly | $20 | 6/14 | ||
46 | Judy Quon (D) | $15 | 6/14 | 47 | William Quon (D) | $15 | 6/14 | 48 | Kim Gerrard | $20 | 6/14 | ||
49 | Peter Gerrard | $20 | 6/14 | 50 | Bill Childs | $20 | 6/17 | 51 | Fran Reynard | $20 | 6/19 | ||
52 | Beth Sher (D) | $15 | 6/19 | 53 | Aaron Sher (D) | $15 | 6/19 | 54 | Cindy King | $20 | 6/21 | ||
55 | Mary Uffelman (D) | $15 | 6/23 | 56 | Irma Bonilla | $20 | 6/23 | 57 | Karina Coronado (D) | $15 | 6/23 | ||
58 | Mike Weber (D) | $15 | 6/23 |
Penny Poorman | Mike Brooks (D) | *Tommie Kozlov | ||
Rhonda Larson | ^Bill Sellin | Dev Sellin (D) | ||
Joseph Edwards | Katja Harwat | Frank Vose (D) | ||
Monica McCarthy | Ron Hetherington | Jean Hetherington | ||
Norm Moyer | Bob McHenry | Will Decker | ||
Kathy Decker (D) | Brian Freidman | Jenny Chiang | ||
†Bill Hughes | ^Fran Reynard | John Hoskins (D) | ||
Patty Hoskins | Ramona Tillinghast | Don Tillinghast | ||
Rich McCarthy | ^Linda McCarthy | Don Krueger | ||
Ann Krueger (D) | †Sue Butler | Aaron Sher | ||
^Beth Sher | Kathy Shapiro | Jenny Short | ||
†Al Liechty | †Pala Liechty | Susie Lehmann | ||
*Kathy Fenner | *Bob Schuster | Bob Ruris (D) | ||
Barbara Ruris (D) | Kim Gerrard | Peter Gerrard (D) | ||
Pam Tice | Don White | |||
George Scott | Susan Soper (D) |
2012 DETAILS, UPDATES & REMINDERS: RIDE WILL NOT START FROM IRVINE this year WE WILL RIDE FROM MISSION VIEJO / LAGUNA NIGUEL METROLINK DEPOT! Pre-Ride Prep: Print your own Route Sheet if you want & mark up a map or two if you like! (We will have copies at the start) San Clemente Options: ![]() (click to expand this map image in another window) 1: Follow the blue route on the posted Bike Route through town. Option 1 is detailed on the south bound Tour Route Sheet for Saturday. 2: The red line stays on PCH / El Camino Real in traffic... Option 2 is on the Tour Route Sheet north bound on Sunday morning. 3: Enjoy the green line option; dismounting & walking some parts - but check out the flat multi use dirt path Beach Trail! Ride starts at 9 am from the Laguna Niguel / Mission Viejo Metrolink Station (Regular BCI Saturday Rides are all from Deerfield at 9 am) Mike's Trailer won't get to the start before 8; Park, load your gear & get signed in AFTER 8 Routes details & review at 8:50 for MASS Ride Start at 9 AM ========= Several Folks always short cut & start from San Clemente: Get your bags on the truck @ the station & get signed in see the group off at 9 and then DRIVE to San Clemente & find a place to legally park overnight - then ride to Carls Jr to meet others & join the Tour there to ride San Onofre together Best Bet: Park near or at the Metrolink station at the North end of town visit the Urban Bicycle Outfitters / OCBC Headquarters & start with the posted Bike Route through town as detailed on the route sheet or option 3: the Beach Trail to San Clemente State Beach (you will have to slow down & walk a few parts, and climb up Ave Califia near the east end of town, but great beach views & NO CITY TRAFFIC ! ) ========== CARRY ID (Drivers License & Emergency Contact!): No ID and the Marines can say no at the gate & you will have to ride the FREEWAY ========= SB Train Options: (but no guarantee they will allow your bike) You can catch Amtrak to Oceanside from Laguna Niguel (LNL) @ 9:40 for $15 San Juan Capistrano (SNC) @ 9:46 or 10:57 for $14 or San Clemente Pier (SNP) @ 9:57 or 11:08 for $11 to Oceanside (OSD) MetroLink does not show any SB trains to Oceanside until after 5pm ========= For those who can't join the tour from Laguna Niguel, several loops have been plotted from the Hotel. The Loop Route Sheets includes: The 'Tail of the Tour' 21.5 mile loop will enjoy the northbound Tour route descent to Carlsbad past Linda's Ice Cream where the Tourists traditionally reload, and then take the Saturday route back to the Hotel. You can continue up the coast toward Oceanside and u-turn on your own to add miles, or to join the Tourists you see rolling south. 21.5 miles or more... If you want to explore more of San Marcos, 3 alternate routes have been plotted; Saturday a 36 mile loop to Lake Hodges: with a 30 mile short cut version: For Sunday a 26 mile loop is offered: Loop Route Sheets will be available at the Hotel Lobby; Several plan to ride at 9:30 Saturday So if you can't spend the night, sign up anyway; you can drive to the hotel, ride a loop, or the 'Tail of the Tour' as far north as you want to find the Tourists heading south, and stay for dinner! IF YOU ARE RUNING LATE SATURDAY TO THE STATION CALL (562) 881-3614 SO MIKE KNOWS TO WAIT FOR YOUR BAGGAGE AT THE START ! ========= Party at 4:30 - Dinner at 6 PM ========= SUNDAY Load Trailer before 9 when Mike will LEAVE! Tour and Loop Rides start at 8:30 am from hotel after breakfast... You will find the Trailer back at the start BY 11ish / NOON when you get back to Mission Viejo UNTIL 2 PM - After that your gear will be held until the BCI meeting June 27th... so DO NOT race back before 11 or take a long lunch & nap before you return to the truck! ========= NB Train Options: You will need to ride at least 14 miles or so to Oceanside; mostly all down hill! There you can get AmTrak North San Juan Capistrano for $14 ... 4 mile ride to start from San Juan Capistrano AmTrak: only the 8:54 stops at LNL 10:17, 11:43, 12:57 trains stop @ San Juan Capistrano (SNC) (It is only 4 miles to LNL from SNC) MetroLink is worthless on weekends: but only runs at 8:42 from Oceanside to San Clemente NORTH ($7.25), San Juan Capistrano ($8.25), Laguna Niguel/MV($8.50). There is a 2:45 train from LNL to Irvine & Tustin |