Summer Solstice Tour XXI Ride Report
by Sue Butler
(published in PaceLines http://bikeirvine.org/members/pacelines/pacelines-aug11.pdf )
If you didn’t join us for the 21st Annual Summer Solstice, here’s some of what you missed:
* Perfect riding weather – the "June gloom" burned off early to reveal fabulous views
of the beach as we cruised down the coastline.
* Lots of green landscape and flowers from all of the spring rain
* A regrouping at the Carl’s Jr. in San Clemente and an early lunch for some
* Big waves and lots of surfers
* More wonderful beach views in San Onofre
* Riding through Camp Pendleton and seeing:
Lots of road kill
Signs that say "Troops Crossing" and "Tank Crossing"
Nice young men dressed in camouflage
* Lunch in Oceanside
Some of us went to Café 101 in Oceanside for burgers, fries and delicious
malts. We, I mean, they, prefer to remain anonymous.
* Arriving safely at the Motel 6 in Carlsbad and hanging out by the pool while looking
forward to a fun evening.
The other thing you missed is BCI getting "busted by Motel 6." Well…sort of, kind of.
How did it come to this? Things started off ok though we might have overwhelmed the motel
staff a bit as the riders descended on their front office to check-in. Their 3:00 p.m. check-in
policy was strictly adhered to so a growing cluster of sweaty (men) and glistening (women)
cyclists began to accumulate outside of the tiny motel office.
Room keys were distributed at 3:00 p.m. and the group scattered to shower and then socialize
by the pool. Bill Sellin broke out the Cosmic Wimp game and encouraged anyone who passed by
to participate. I did and it was fun!
During the late afternoon, Penny and her merry band of volunteers set up tables and assisted
her with the final food prep. Everyone gathered in anticipation as the pizzas and side dishes were
delivered and set up. Penny made three fabulous side dishes: pasta salad, tossed salad and a
strawberry/blueberry fruit salad along with a chicken dish for those who weren’t having pizza.
She also made brownies with walnuts and chocolate chips for dessert. Everything was so delicious!
I nominate her as the next "Food Network Star!"
Kim Gerrard brought a cake and Barb Ruris brought ice cream, so we could celebrate
Peter Gerrard’s and Bob Ruris’ birthdays. Yes, 45. BCI folks broke out singing "Happy Birthday"
in the grassy quad of the Motel 6. That’s when things began to deteriorate. The hotel staff came
out and asked that we break it up as they received some complaints about the noise. We checked
our watches and it was only 7:00 p.m. Bill Sellin suggested that we take a nice walk to the beach
to watch the sunset and many took him up on the suggestion while others stayed to help Penny
clean up (thank you!).
The walk to the beach was a welcomed opportunity to stretch our legs and enjoy the beautiful
scenery. When we arrived at the bluffs, we walked down the stairs, strolled along the beach, hung
out with the pelicans and enjoyed the sounds of the surf.
As the sun began to set, we effortlessly bounded up the stairs (ha) to the top of the bluffs to
continue visiting with our BCI buddies. We noticed a nearby ranger program in progress and a
few of us went to investigate. We learned some wonderful things like "why we recycle" and "all
about dolphins." A few BCI members who will remain unnamed, (ok, it was Jenny S. and Kathy S.)
did the Dolphin Pokey. It’s like the Hokey Pokey, but you put your left fin in, you put your left fin
out…well…I’m sure you get the picture.
As the sun set over the cloud covered sea, our group headed back up to
Motel 6. We chatted and
laughed about our event getting "busted." We wondered what could have prompted the complaints.
For one thing, I guess we weren’t using our "indoor voices." Then again, that’s probably because we
were outside! I did notice an "Eagle Passport" tour bus parked outside. So perhaps there were some
senior citizens who had just come out from the Mid-West and weren’t yet on California time. They
thought it was 9:00 p.m. when it really was only 7:00 p.m. It was completely understandable. But
later that night, when I called my husband to recount the day, he surmised the likely reason: it was
our somewhat off-key singing of Happy Birthday that drove people to phone the front office. Hey
people, this isn’t American Idol! Give us a break!
Well…we the participants of the XXI Summer Solstice resolve to put this minor incident behind us
and hold our heads high should we return to Motel 6 next year.

Many thanks to Bill Sellin, Tommie Kozlov, Penny Poorman and Mike Brooks (and the other volunteers)
for another successful Summer Solstice.
Recipes from the Solstice Ride:
By Penny Poorman
3 oz. white balsamic vinegar
Juice of 2 lemons
¼ cup mixed fresh chopped basil,
parsley, thyme and oregano (or any herbs you like)
½ cup olive oil
¼ cup canola oil
½ avocado
1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
3 cloves roasted garlic
Salt & pepper to taste
BLEND..taste and adjust. (That's where Penny's magic comes in!)
Red bells
Green bells
Red onion
Sweet potatoes, cooked but not thoroughly
Mushrooms, cut in half
Candied walnuts
Shredded jack
Cornbread croutons
Romaine, chopped
Gourmet greens
Wash and cut vegetables to a size from 1" to 2". Toss with olive oil and salt and pepper.
Roast in hot oven, 375 for 15 minutes or until browned. (different vegetables roast for
different times, keep separate so you can monitor doneness) Remove from oven and
Toss vegetables with all ingredients and salad dressing. Taste and adjust seasoning.
NOTES: Croutons were made with cornbread cut into cubes, tossed in melted butter
and baked until crisp, about 15 minutes.
By Penny Poorman
Lemon zest
Fresh mint
Wash strawberries and blueberries - Dry fruit well.
Cut strawberries into quarters.
Toss with fresh blueberries.
Zest 2 lemons and add zest.
Drizzle with honey.
Chop fresh mint and toss thoroughly.
Recipes submitted by Sue Butler