Sign up to Volunteer
(Free Dinner)
This event happens with the work
of volunteers &
Some have as much fun hosting as riding & eating!
As jobs come up, and volunteers
commit, this page will have updates.
If you want to help out, you can
contact Bill HERE
or call him at 714 997-0921. Indicate what you what to do!
JOBS: (Tentative schedule - subject to change as the program
gets confirmed!)
Parking lot & Crowd Control:
7am until 9am
(gate control & parking guides
like Disneyland!)
Bill, Dev, ________
Back Bay Science Center Service
Projects: 9 until 11
(May be painting, making a fire ring,
sealing tables, loading & hauling trash, scrubbing boats or
specimen tanks...)
Bill, Dev, ________
Remote SAG Stop: 10 to 2
(traditionally we have a spot on the
route where we have some refreshments in the way of melons, berries,
crackers & such,
along with water. Riders will be asked to pitch in $5 toward the
stop; and it may be on the route where the ride goes out and back...
Century riders will be on their own for finding lunch, but a refreshment
station is nice to have out there on the route.
Folks have joined the club after stumbling onto one of these fruit
so having BCI info and friendly welcome to all cyclists is part
of the job,
plus hauling any leftovers back to the celebration)
Robert Nugent & ? ________
Hosts: 11 to 1, 1 to 3, 3-5, 5-7,
(Keep ice chests stocked, returning riders happy, help get people
signed up for experiences...)
11-1: ? Patty, Carolyn
& _______
1-3: ?
Patty, Carolyn & _______
3-5: ?
Robert & Patty, Carolyn &________
Experiences: 11:30 to 12:30
Introductory Bird Watching experience:
Dev & Bill & _____
(if you want to help lead this tour,
bring your optics, field guides & let us know!)
Experiences: 12:30 to 2:30
Back Bay by Paddle experience: Back Bay Science Center Volunteers
& _____
(if you want to help lead this tour,
bring your boat & let us know!)
Experiences: 2:30 to 4:30
Back Bay by Paddle experience: Back Bay Science Center Volunteers
& Connie & ?_____
(if you want to help lead this tour,
bring your boat & let us know!)
Experiences: 4 to 5
Fishing for Science experience: Back Bay Science Center Volunteers
& ? ________
Shark Encounter experience: Bob Ruris & Back Bay Science Center
Water Shed orientation experience: Bill Sellin & ?________
Dinner: 5 to 8
(Set up serving tables; Prep salad;
recieve Pizzas, Cookies & Brownies;
Serve at 5 ... Clean up, pack up)
Penny & ?________
Dessert: 7 to 8
(brew some coffee & serve up a BCI birthday cake!, Marshmallows,
Grahams, Chocolate & Fire...)
Bill, Robert, Carolyn________
Clean Up: 8-9
(pack up everything, make it look like
we were never there or better than we found it, help people get
cars out of lot, lock the gate)
Bill, Dev, Patty, Carolyn,
Bob, Robert________
to BCI Home Page
The Crew So Far:
Bill & Dev Sellin
Penny Poorman
Bob Ruris
Connie Sweet
Patty Nielsen
Robert Nugent
Carolyn Kearn