Q: What does
TRCP mean and where are we starting from? Do we meet in Bommer
A: TRCP is Turtle Rock Community
Park, like DCP is Deerfield Community Park.
Sorry !~ those of us who work around TIC tend to use acronyms
- and that includes CoI staff;
We have revised the start from original plans so that we would
not have bikes and cars
sharing the narrow road to Bommer Canyon (BCCC) at the start;
playing detailed games with gates and requiring 8 more hours of
City staffing.
Q: How can I
get to Turtle Rock Park?
A: See map
& directions; from Deerfield Park; allow time to get in
the canyon;
Q: Can I get to Turtle Rock Park on my Bike?
A: Of course! The fewer cars
the better!
Just plan on leaving around dusk so have your lights & reflectors
on for a safe ride home.
Ride in from the top of Sand Canyon upthe trail,
or up Bonita Canyon/Culver to Shady Canyon,
or up Ridgeline, down Turtle Rock Drive to Sunnyhill / Shady Canyon


Q: How early should
I get to Turtle Rock Community Park?
A: If you plan to ride
the 105 mile Century: Get to TRCP
before for the 7:30 start. I will open th ebathroom at the Nature
Center at about 7; Park, prep your bike, sign in & get routes,
& gather for the 7:30 start. If you miss the 7:30 start, you
can hang out & roll with the 84 mile group at 8!
If you plan to ride the 84 miles:
Get to TRCP for the 7:30am start with the Century ride, or get
set up for the 84 miler start at 8. If you miss the 8:00 start,
you can hang out & roll with the Metric Century group at 8:30!
If you plan to ride the Metric 63 miles:
Get to TRCP for the 7:30am or 8am starts with the Century or 84
milers, or get set up for the Metric Century & start at 8:30.
If you miss the 8:#0 start, you can hang out & roll with the
rest of the regular riders at 9!
If you plan to ride the Regular 9 am rides : You can
choose to get to Turtle Rock Park between 7 & 8:55 to start
early with any of the longer rides, or get set up for the start
at 9.
Q: Are all
of these the rides really free?
A: Yes: Just like every Saturday
ride - this is really not
a supported ride;
...but plan on dropping $5 cash in the cup
if you make it to the food stop on the Century, 84 miler &
Metric Century.
Like all BCI Saturday rides, you are on your own for coffee, brunch,
snacks on the road
where ever you stop... most of the ride is in town near food water
& bathrooms;
we do not have any porta potties rented or water stations set
other than our one hydration, fruit & snack stop on the 3
long routes.
Q: What should I bring for the ride?
A: We would not expect anyone
to try a ride this long with out helmet,
proper clothes, sun screen, plenty of water, tools, tubes, cash,
credit, insurance and ID; and probably a cell phone if you have
This is not a sag supported ride; we will not be offering 'Backroads'
style support and lifts over the hills!
You and your bike should be prepared to handle the distance you
and you should be resourceful enough to deal with the potentially
extreme heat mid day to the occasional flat tire...
Bring cash & plan on dropping $5 in the cup if you make it
to the food stop on the Century, 84 miler & Metric Century.
Like all BCI Saturday rides, you are on your own for the coffee
stop, as well as brunch or snacks on the road
where ever you choose to stop. And as always, you are at the mercy
of strangers...
Q: Can I ride if I am not a member?
A: Yes: Just like other regular
Saturday rides, Guests are welcome!
(If you like us we know you will join eventually)
Just please sign the waiver as a Guest when you check in and grab
a free route sheet.
How early can I get in to Bommer Canyon?
A: The locked gate will be open
at 11am:
That gives you 2 hours to do the short, medium & long rides...
So enjoy the ride & take your time getting back into the hills!
Q: How
can I get cleaned up after my ride & enjoy te evening party?
A: The rides wil take everyone
into Bommer Canyon. When you are ready to get off the bike,
coast down to the parkinglot where your car is at TRCP.
Change & freshen up in th ebathrooms at the facility, load
your bike & drive back up to BCCC.

Q: How can I
get to Bommer Canyon?
A: See map
& directions; from Deerfield Park; From Turtle Rock it
is just 1 block West, off Shady Canyon;
Q: Can I get to Bommer Canyon on my Bike?
A: Of course! The fewer cars
the better!
Just plan on leaving around dusk so have your lights & reflectors
on for a safe ride home, or back to your car at TRCP.
You can ride in from the top of Sand Canyon upthe trail,
or up Bonita Canyon/Culver to Shady Canyon,
or up Ridgeline, down Turtle Rock Drive to Sunnyhill / Shady Canyon


Q: Was there a deadline
to sign up for the Party?
A: YES: The 14th. Food is already
being prepared and it is tool late to add more now...
Q: Can I sign up for the post ride party & dinner
if I am not a BCI member?
A: NO: If you own a bike, please
ride it & join us!
The cheapest way to join the BCI is to share an existing current
member's address;
If you know a member you can be added to their membership,
share their PaceLines, and get your membership card sent there...
It's only $10 to jump on their membership (dues expire with their
expiration date)
Children / minors under 18 only cost $6 to add on...
Please send in a membership
form with a separate check for your dues...
See it as a $40 dinner party with a $10 discount for members...
Q: Can I bring a guest with out them having to join
A: YES; if they are your spouse,
partner, significant other, family, children etc.
Plus; if they don't ride all morning they probably won't eat as
much as you anyway, but it is still $30 per person!
(If they do ride a bike they should join anyway ~ so please join
us! ...see above)
Q: The Club is over 21 now... Can I plan on drinking
beer or wine or other alcohol?
A: NO: The facility is available
as a collaboration with Deerfield Park,
celebrating the 23 years of programming for bicycling in the community.
Alcohol is not served at City functions. Non Alcoholic beverages
will be served.
Q: Have I paid for my dinner yet ?
A: See the Guest
List - If you have paid you will be on it soon as the mail
is processed.
If you are not on the list by June 14th please contact Bill to
make sure there is enough BBQ for you
& to figure out where the registration money was lost!
Q: I know I have not paid for dinner yet, and I may
not get around to it before June 14th... Can I still come ?
A: The more the merrier - "day
of" participants are welcome but bring your own food &
Shopping will need to be done & only those on the guest
list will be served...
A large part of the cost is the party, decorations, entertainment,
and reserving the facility,
so it would be fair to donate $10 or $15 if you bring your own
food & party with us all day...


Q: I have a question
not answered here - or made more confused How can I get an answer?
A: Ask
with an e-mail! ... but if it's the day before call Bill @
714 943-3678

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