Camping: Limited spaces (16) are available
for tent camping at the South Carlsbad State Beach. Gas guzzeling
car parking is very limited - so coordinate with Bill if you
are planning to have another person drive down &/or camp
with you, There are only 2 cars allowed per camp site so coordinate
with Bill to car camp! Inn or other lodging plans : Make your own
reservations... Ok, you can almost have as much fun but sleep
in a bed indoors (and have a pool & bath tub etc.): the beach
is a short walk/ride from the Inn. Secure your own room reservation
at the Carlsbad Inns
of America @ (760) 931-1185 & ask for one of
the group discounted block of rooms for the Bicycle Club of Irvine.
Compare with AAA & other discounts - you may get a better
rate but make sure they include you in the BCI block of rooms!
Make reservations as soon as possible, as the Inn will likely
fill up again this year! The $12 tour fees covers the direct costs of the tour, camp sites, publicity, Sag stop refreshment & a unique bicycle event with a few great people! Parking is very limited so you need to coodinate cars with Bill! All excess proceeds do go to support the club's budget... |
& get it to Bill Sellin by mail (or to his desk @ Deerfield Park) ... 5 fee options - No Substitutions Please! Basic: $12 per person for the tour w/ No Dinner Basic + Sagged: $22 for delivery of your bag to Inn or Campsite w/No Dinner Basic + Sagged + Dinner: $34 Guests are welcome to join the dinner for $12-just let Bill know it's $12 Dinner not $12"Basic"! send money payable to Bicycle Club of Irvine, along with your BCI# & email address on memo line before June 4th. Mail check(s) to the Bicycle Club of Irvine c/o Bill Sellin 405 East Wilson Avenue Orange CA 92867-4832 No E-Mail? Confirmations will be via the web so tell Bill if you do not have e-mail/web access and he will mail you details! {1 year Membership only costs $20 for an individual, $30 per couple... to add a new member to a current member's address it's only $10 per adult, or $6 per minor) |