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Campaign History Y2K+3...

Past Games... Who What When Where & campaign notes...
hese Recollections are limited to subjective experience of the authors...
another's observations & recollections are always welcomed!
Please submit 'corrections' or missed details via the guest book!

see 2002 ~ see 2001 ~ see 2000

December 21st ~ 11:04pm ~ Winter Solstice ~ Happy Holidays!

Dec 17th - Lord of the Rings final episode released...

Friday the 19th; Alan & Linda, Bill & Dev, Dale & Wes, Shane & Catie, & Ann...

The final
Gray and Purple Key-batons secured

Sunday, November 23rd 9-5... @ Christian's in Tustin
   7 Play ! Excuses:
 Alan (DM) YES  
 Bill (Aswansea) YES  
 Ann (Tai Chi) YES  
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir) YES Forgot but came... 
 Shane (Nym,Midnight) YES Over slept but came before Mark... 
 Paul (Steggels, Watdabney) YES  
 Christian (Tao) YES  

The Party rested up behind the portal to the Indigo key, then snuck into the Gray portal.
A stormy dark plane; a hill with ancient ruins on top; A platform with a glass ball, storming within,
swirling about the gray colored key baton. When the glass was shattered, a Tempest was set loose.
One of the longest battles ever engaged was waged until the storm creature was vanquished
and the key secured.
After resting up again, the party moved into the final portal to seek the purple baton. Pools of radiant red liquid;
an obsidian shard with a pair of manacles hanging upon the baton set into the obsidian.
Aswansea flew over on her carpet, pulled the baton and was joined by a demonic honey beast.
She flew back to the party where she crashed the carpet at the warrior's feet and feather fell to join the battle.
The beast screamed a summons and it's mate & 14 Lamia fell upon the party (literally from the sky)
Eventually the party slew them all, and now sits to heal and rest before sneaking back out of the Goblin city,
through the fortress that was raided to enter the realm, back down the tunnels to the lock room
where the true relic is assumed to be hidden away...

The Golden, Jade and Indigo Key-Batons secured

Sunday, Oct 26th 9-4... @ Christian's in Tustin
  7 Play Excuses:
 Alan (DM) YES Dinner w/ in laws - have to go by 4ish 
 Bill (Aswansea) YES  
 Ann (Tai Chi) YES  
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir) YES  Boo Zoo - out at 4!
 Shane (Nym,Midnight) YES  
 Paul (Steggels, Watdabney) YES  
 Christian (Tao) YES  

Finding 3 more key-batons in the alcoves of the Goblin's in the bowels of the Dragon's lair...
Air and Earth elementals were met and defeated; The Golden baton was taken. The next chamber had a Jade baton & Water have been faced;
The Jade baton was guarded by 2 greater mummies and a pack of Skeletons. All rest at peace or in pieces now and the Jade baton was secured.

A swamp island home of 4 Willow-wisps challenged the party; they were put out and the Indigo baton was secured.
The party rests and heals in the swamp world before returning to the Goblin City and the next 2 caves...

DM AIDE UPDATES: Healing and Weapon Speed updated; 2 weapon attacks and changing a weapon included (see Library)

October 18:
Happy Birthday Christian!


The Blue White Key-baton of the Shadows

Sunday, Sept 28th 9-5... @ Christian's in Tustin
   Play? (6? 7?) Excuses:
 Alan (DM) YES  
 Bill (Aswansea) YES  
 Ann (Tai Chi) YES  
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir) YES  
 Shane (Nym,Midnight) YES  
 Paul (Steggels, Watdabney) YES  
 Christian (Tao) YES  

Finding 6 more key-batons in the alcoves of the Goblin's in the bowels of the Dragon's lair...
The portal just passed leads to a tomb of wraiths and undead...
The clerical talisman upon Aswansea's breasts turn away a group of evil shadows...

A huge Devourer lurking in the back of the room caused confusion among some of the party,
then summoned a huge Fire Elemental...

The Elemental was dispelled, the Devourer was killed,
and the Shadows were herded away... Steggels needed to have his strength restored by Midnight's magic and
Aswansea healed up the injured before moving on to the next cave.

There the portal was golden yellow, and entered a room with an egg like object on a burning fire brassier.
When Aswansea began to push it

a Fire Elemental attacked.
When she broke the egg liquid splashed out, and a Water Elemental attacked.

An elf gated in and joined the battle, gave a cryptic message to Midnight and the party prepared to pop the balloon holding the baton,
and face the Air Elemental sure to attack when the balloon pops...

Happy Birthdays Paul, Shane & Ann!

Goblin's Reloaded

Monday, September 1st   9-5... Alan's in RSM
   Play? (6) Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Ann (Tai Chi, Tao)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock, Midnight)  YES But wake me up or I'll be late...
 Paul (Steggels, Watdabney)  YES None
 Christian  N O Family camp out

Karlock died - Tao was not himself....

An update from the bard, Watdabney...

So, pass my hat around and throw in a coin or two
and I will tell you what happened next in the tale of the heroes in the underworld goblin city
as they battled to save the gods.

So, the heroes had fought their way through the goblin fortress that blocked the entrance
to their underground city. Spread out under the roof of a huge cave under the dreaded mountain.
Using powerful magic, we all were made invisible and crept around the city border looking for the key
to the portal that led to another plane.

We went into a cave and found another portal! The brave barbarian and the powerful dwarf both jumped though it.
I went too, just to see what would happen to them. I wish I hadn't. Oh! What a creature lived within!
It was made of fire, and came at us from it's lair, a lair of molten lava.
It spoke to us and the barbarian offered it freedom if it would not attack us.
It laughed and came at us with it's huge spear!

The heroes fought hard and every time they swung at it it would burn them with it's heat.
I was half-dead just from the heat! Just then the rest of the heroes then burst in through the gateway
and together were able to finish him off.

They also found another key to the outer portal.

Just 8 more and they will be able to move into the realm of the gods themselves!
But, the tale is not yet over!

They found another cave. This one contained three huge bears!

They fought a tremendous battle and once again were triumphant.
But, alas, Karlock was killed by one of the bears.
I crept over and tried to help him for they had many potions that would heal. Poor Karlock,
he was too far gone to be revived. Long live his memory! This cave offered up yet another key to the portal.
The bears had been hiding it in a foul pond in their cave.

Now, we creep on to the next cave. We find that this cave is haunted by wraiths
and all manner of things dead-but-not-dead. Things that you can only see as a glimpse of a shadow.
They glide by, touch you and suck the life right out of you. Aswansea caused many of them
to flee back to whatever dark place they came from. Now we see a huge creature in the back of the crypt,
it is making us all go mad...
I will tell more a few more coins drop into the hat. I have to eat too, you know!

R . I. P.

Follower of Helm ~ A Dwarf among Dwarves

and thanks for the Last Will & Testament so thoughtfully prepared...

Deeper In the Dragon's Lair; Goblin Slaughtering

Saturday, July 5 9-5... @ Christian's in Tustin
   Play? (5) Excuses:
 Alan (DM, Midnight,Watdabny)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Ann (Tai Chi)  N O In Hawaii!
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  N O Leaving on vacation Sunday
 Shane (Karlock)  YES But wake me up late...
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None
 Christian (Tao)  YES None but Sunday's better
 Robert  N O Yatta shit is too scary!

What does everyone else recall happened?

Karlock's account of the assault

As I can recall we debated if we should assault the goblin fort or try to go around. After extensive reconnaissance by Zedfir we decided to make everyone invisible and make two carpet trips to the top of the fort and have Midnight and myself blast everything with fireballs. Midnight initiated the attack and I followed up with a quick attack on the goblin cleric. In the initial two fireballs over 50 goblins were killed but about 30 remained. The rest of the party butchered the survivors with some very handy melee action. We promptly began blasting the second level with fireballs and a deeper darkness spell to restrict the goblins to one of 2 staircases. After this initial assault we began systematically clearing the fort until Tao began the final attack on the forts portal and its cleric and barbarian guardians alone. The clerics attempted to blast him with spells but this was quickly stopped with a dispel magic. The rest of the party quickly arrived and the slaughter commenced, no goblins managed to escape through the portal and the party suffered nothing a few healing spells didn't fix. Unfortunately in an attempt to heal someone it backfired and I was left in a drunken stupor, luckily Midnight cured me and we were able to move through the portal to the other side. There is a giant cavern and a goblin metropolis just inside the portal the party is left debating what to do.
[having returned to the fort to clean out any remaining survivors; Marrissa and another (who?)
were critically wounded and dying, but were spared by Aswansea's prompt healing]

Ann brought Shane into the Dark Side of the game,
now Shane is raising a protege; It is the way of the Force...

and now for something completely different...

 The Green Leaves Video (Need MS Media Player)
The Yatta Story Part II (flash animation)


Walking the Walk on June 18th

Foothill High School Class of 2003

Bardish Rhymes from the "Book of Watdabny"


In the Dragon's Lair

Saturday, June 14~ 2-late... @ Christian's in Tustin
   Play? Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None; but late by Bike...
 Ann (Tai Chi)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None
 Paul (Steggels)  NO Uncle Paul is swamped!
 Christian (Tao)  YES None
 Robert (Midnight)  NO No more time for this shit
 Dean (Bard?)    
 Dale (?)    
 Rob (?)    

Big dragon-like monster and defenseless Goblin ready to be killed. Both chained and trusting the party... The Party sets the beast free & enters the mountain. Dealing with a force of Goblins, the party enters a portal to a sealed room where a demon is trapped; with a key rod to get out, and a key hole filled mandala that the party interprets to be a gateway of alignments...

USE NO OIL! Bike to Game:
Bill rode to Paul's at 8:15 but Paul backed out
Rode to Mark's @ 8:30 but Mark rode his e-bike; Fetched a box of doughnuts
& then rode to Christian's via Shane's house; Shane was asleep and Paul drove all the way to Alan's house...

Spider Haunt Forest to the Lair of the Dragon

Sunday, May 31~ 9-5 @ Christian's in Tustin
   Play? Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Ann (Tai Chi) NO Baby sitting
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES (LATE) None (Overslept)
 Paul (Steggels, Buttlick)  YES (LATER) None (Confused)
 Christian (Tao)  YES None
 Robert (Midnight)  YES None

Party argued over oath of fealty to party and alignment conflicts. Agreed to stay together over considerable strife, suspicion, accusation and discord.
Dirty looks and name calling. Collected & divided up Orc's treasure
Met by Cormierian Guard who were hunting down the Orc Party; Thanks and treasure shared to pay widows of Cormierian forces / victims of the Orc's
Entered Spider Haunt; zapped by a pair of mating Mangus Spiders. Killed them.
Attacked by Phase Spider. Killed it.

Got to the sealed dragon's lair. Entered tunnel on left side of mound.
Found 6 Bugbears who seem to be feeding occasional Goblins to a huge lizard monster chained in the dragon's Lair. Killed them.
Found tortured Goblin in Iron Maiden. Comforted, suggested we may free for aid, fed & interrogated briefly. Kill him later.
Found huge lizard monster in chains. Comforted, suggested we may free for aid, fed & interrogated briefly. Kill him later.

Spider Haunt Forest
A Murderous Rampage ~ Possession by Bane ?

Sunday, April 27 ~ 9-5@ Alan's in RSM
   Play? Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Ann (Tai Chi)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir, BANE)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None
 Paul (Steggels) NO Fly to Chicago for work
 Christian (Tao) NO Festival of Books
 Robert (Midnight) NO Sick

The Party gave no heed to the sanctity of Life so greatly manifested in the form of Hill Giants; They were quickly slaughtered and the rocks of their home were splattered with the blood and gore of death... Aswansea wept at the loss of life; A nest of Centipedes attacked, one of which bit the Bard and dragged him toward their lair. The Party of course chopped the giant bugs to pieces, Tao collecting body parts as trophies ~ setting Aswansea's sensibility on edge as she continued the deal with evil to attempt the task laid before the Party. They continued North around the West side of the Spider Woods. A group of HalfOrcs confronted the Party and Marissa, thinking she might unload some loot for cash asked if they were 'dealers' They happened to have a few clerical scrolls that Aswansea Zedfir & Tai Chi bought, and some Universal Solvent that Tai Chi and Marissa bought. The Party was prepared to defend itself to the death if the HalfOrcs attacked; but they were satisfied with their profits and left the Party to travel North.

Coming up behind a dozen Orcs, the Party slowed and followed. When detected, the Orcs scattered in fear and hid. A gentle and articulate Orc woman came forth under a sign of truce and asked to parley. Aswansea spoke through Karlock; whose racial prejudices were painfully visible. As a peaceful passing-by was negotiated, Marissa muttered that she could take 6 Orcs and slipped into the woods, hunting members of the Orc clan as Karlock made overtures on the parties behalf. Marissa shot one of the hiding Orcs and an alarm went off; just as the Party announced that they had a conflict and no consensus on passing peacefully. Karlock concluded his negotiations by sending a fire ball at the Orc spokeswoman. The blood lust flowed through most of the party; Steggels and Tao charged into the fray, as the dozen Orcs came forth to defend their sister. Horrified at the evil deception in the Parties name, Aswansea and Tai Chi finally had enough and decided to continue the quest with out the evil ban d of murderers. As the party slaughtered the Orcs, Aswansea and Tai Chi transferred their possessions from their ponies to the flying carpet. With in only a few rounds, the Orcs were all dead, as were Steggels and Karlock lay bleeding and unconscious. Tao even was near death to the point of running back to Aswansea and Tai Chi for healing before going back and killing the last Orcs. After sharing some healing, the disgusted Aswansea and Tai Chi prepared to bid farewell to the party. Midnight and the Bard both refused offers to join the 'deserters'; the future of what is left of the party is in grave doubt...

GAME RULE UPDATES: HEAL RATE - Recovery from below 0 hit points & MANA recovery system
Alan again explained the way Attacks of Opportunity work.

New posts including Heal Rates & Mana System, and Alan's source for random NPC/Treasure generator
is now available in the Arcane Library

Spider Haunt Forest ~ A meeting at Shadow Dale

Saturday, March 22 ~ 9-4:44 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? (8) Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Ann (Tai Chi)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None
 Christian (Tao)  YES None
 Robert (Midnight)  YES None
 Dean (Bard) NO ?

The Weather turned foul; rain and rising creeks; The Party set down stream to a ford found by Aswansea when a clutch of giant spiders dropped on them. Tai Chi was webbed, and but freed as the party crushed the fierce arachnids. A local militia leader of Shadow Dale and one militia man came riding in, seeking a party of Zentharium assassins. They of course fell upon Tai Chi, who was wearing one of the evil Zentharium cloaks ("to stay dry in the rain"!) They helped search the webs over the trail (on Midnight's clever suggestion) and dropped down the spider-sucked bodies; The party took the cash, the Militia men took the bodies, and they all rode for shelter under an overhanging cliff. In the night a Phase Spider attacked, but was killed. They all rode out of the Spider Haunt Woods and got to Shadow Dale. They said fare well to the militia men, as well as the Paladin of Helm, who encouraged Karlock to be true to the faith... but now was done with his charge by Helm to assist the arrival at Shadow Dale.

Thus ended the Chapter "Time of Troubles" and commencement of the chapter called "Orb"

The Party met Elminster by his fish pond; he promised to meet us with information at dinner at the Inn ; The Party is being sent off to the Lair of Aghaziamn North of the Spider Haunt, to find a disassembled key and get it quickly to Elminster's accomplice in the Hollick Forest East of Arabel....

Karlock wanted to shop and drink, Marissa got itchy fingers and lifted a man's purse, Midnight slunk away for the night, Zedfir conjured a Toad which he is asking the party to not lick... In the morning a bit of shopping went on and an obnoxious Bard started tagging along with the Party - so a Paladin has been swapped with a no-talent performer. Making good time, the party rode through the day and into the night, passing through the Spider Haunt and then going off trail around it's West end. Suddenly large boulders began to fall upon the party, and a charge revealed 4 hill giants bowling for characters.

Alan again explained that since we are using weapon speed it makes sense to start using speed factors for monsters;
so the DM will be using the creatures listed speed as a factor from a base of 10;
so a quick monster may get multiple attacks in a round. see WEAPON SPEED

Alan also suggested a new system for calculating MANA... which was discussed and agreed to...

New posts including Mana System and creatures under weapon Speed guide available in the Arcane Library


Old Detection & Surprise => 3rd Edition Spot Check / Surprise round

If a Surprise situation takes place:
PCs who spot (detect) the event will roll initiative.
PC's who do not spot will have no initiative and loose dexterity type defenses.
NPC/Creatures also roll initiative.

Essentially there is one quick round of simultaneous action on "14"; no time, no movement...
PC's who have initiative may swing, cast, begin to conjure, go to evasion, etc, in order of the special initiative roll. Attacking creatures/NPC's also can take action, but no movement. Attacks require range; close contact hand to hand, or range weapons/spells. A surprise back stab would require the DM to set a chance of spotting by the victim & rolling to see if surprised. The DM determines what factors modify the base chance on a d20 of spotting any surprise event. A a silent ambush may be very hard to spot, a handjob in a tree at eye level may be very easy to spot. A hunting tree spider may be easy, a ring of 14 buried skeleton warriors may be harder...

PCs should know their wisdom adjustment to SPOT ability and might consider putting some talent there to improve spotting ability further...

See revised Detection Rules
See new Surprise Rules

Explored on 2/22; Any comments? Ideas?


Old Movement & Initiative => New Stop to shoot rule
If a combatant must aim a bow or other range weapon, they should be standing still.
In melee segments, no movement will be allowed in the segment when a bow is fired.
This may apply to some other types of weapons devices or accurate casting, based on the whims of the DM,
~er I mean based on the Grace of God...

Magic Weapons Shields & Armors
A revision was made in pencil at some time in the past which indicated the notion that magic stuff would be lighter and charmed, and thus 1/2 the reduction of movement of normal stuff; Full plate slows us 45 feet in 10 seconds; Magic Plate slows us by 23 feet....

Encumbered party members should move slower; even if light, running with a armload of candles will reduce one's move. The rule now reflects that every 1 point of encumbrance over the character's limit will result in a 10 foot reduction in the 10 second move base.

See revised Movement Rules

Explored on 2/22; Any comments? Ideas?

From Shadow Gap into the Spider Haunt Forest

Saturday, February 22 ~ @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? (6) Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea, Tao)  YES None
 Ann (Tai Chi)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None
 Christian (!) NO SHOW None ?
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None
 Dean (Midnight) NO SHOW None ?

The Party set a trap for the Orc Raiders; baiting them with Karlock, but it turned out an ambush was already in place for the party...
A volley of arrows and a charge of some 15 orcs came upon the flank of the hidden party, just as the Karlock bait began leading the other pack of Orc's down the path. The party slaughtered the attacking line, and chased off some archers; then met the raiders upon the road and killed them all. A caravan was strewn about, and 3 survivors were rescued. A side trail led to a fortification and a defensive pack of more orcs. Slaughtered as well, the party approached the stockade. Marissa flew reconoiter and found that there were over 20 captives, some 40 orcs and the back wall of the stockade was unfinished and open to the woods; As the party planned an attack, an orc chieftain came out, and parleyed an exchange; Captives for peace. The party succeed in freeing some 29 slaves and safely led them back up Shadow Pass to the militia outpost. The next morning the party led the militia to the site and let them deal justice to the orcs if they had not already cleared out...

In camp that night, 4 Bane Wraith's attacked the party. In a fierce battle, they were all destroyed. Karlock, perhaps possessed by the ever present symbol of Bane he has been keeping, saved the ashes & dust of one of the wraiths, and found himself debilitated by physical weakness to match his behaviors. The party shared magics to try and stop his wasting away to wimpiness, and to bolster his failed strength, but he is now very weak.

Continuing down the road toward Shadow Dale, a priest of Bane, posing as a Priest of Lathandar drew most of the party to a trap in the woods, where he, his Staff of Serpent and a bunch of men died trying to stop the party. Tao was burned badly, but was revived by a potion from Karlock and the healing of the Paladin. Tao took many teeth.

Under a large tree over the road, a strange blackened hand with a mouth on it's palm, hung from a string. Upon arrival it threatened the party with doom, knew Midnight was with the party and suggested she go on without us... ? and taunted us. If was burned and fell to dust. As the party mounted and began to travel, 14 buried skeleton warriors popped up around the party and attacked. They were quickly turned by Aswansea, Karlock and the Paladin. The party continued toward Shadow Dale - seeking counsel with Elminster...

 Well Met! says the merchant at the Shadow Gap...

He says that he forgot to mention that he also had some special tidbits of seasonal arcane delight that he was peddling for your tasting "experience" . The had purchased them for a young girl acting as a scout for the Lords Alliance. He states that the taste "experience" is equal to 1000 fold of each bit of gold spent. (He also stated that the amount one can gain from this palette pleasure is but one level beyond your current standing.) All delights are at a special Shadow Gap price of 3 gp each.

This special halfing sweet bread (humans also refer to this a a short bread in reference to the halfing's short stature ) with a light yet rich butter taste. The name Trefoils is derived from the old halfling tale about 3 foolish halflings brothers named Notty, Lyle and Osborne. The story goes that they loved their mother Merla's sweet bread so much that they would fight each other in order to get the first batch fresh from the oven. This competition got so fierce that all three eventually were mortally wounded using thin swords called foils to settle who would get the bread.

A devilish delight imported from the far reaches of the black jungles of Chult. The fabled deity Ubtao built the great metropolis of Mezro. The "Baras"- his chosen ruled the city. To thank the god they climbed the Peaks of Flame to sacrifice their greatest warrior, However, Ubtao sent a great storm to block the Baras from completing their trek. After the storm Ubtao
appeared in the jungle devastation and told them to create head wreathes of vines and sticks and to make a feast of the downed paruca trees. The Baras used the paruca pulp to make cakes for the God and he was delighted and asked when they were all gone "Gotya Samoa?". This festive tradition continues today with the Somoas a dense sweetcake made from paruca pulp.

Thin Mints
These are the favorite of both dwarven and human races. In ancient dwarven
history during the times of the newcomers. The first dwarven mines produced
the first precious metal currency of Faerun. The coins were created using a
primitive smelting process that left the coins with a thick layer of soot on
the outside. The finished coins were a thin disk as black as the night. The
soot if left too long hardened and the minted coin became known as a Thin
Mint. This coin shaped confection commemorates the old Dwarven coin mints.

Olé Olé
The name for these comes from the old Seldren a language spoken by High Elven mages. Olé Olé is a greeting used when one is most honored to have another's company. These tasty bite-size nutty delights are powdered with a snow of sugar dust and are served only in the best of company.

All Abouts (also known as Underdarks)
These biscuits have a storied history in slavery during the Crown Wars. During this period the dark Elves who worshipped the corrupt gods held the wood elves as captive slaves. Each elf was kept in isolation. The slaves were used to perform all duties mundane and domestic. Because of the isolation the elves used biscuit to communicate and developed a coded language baked into the biscuits. This eventually lead to the escape of hundreds of elves and the downfall of the dark elves to the Underdark. These sweet biscuits are made today to celebrate the defeat of the darkkind and each biscuit has a message of hope on the top with the under-side being covered in a dark chocolate confection representing the Underdark.

This recipe comes from gnome settlements and is a favorite of gnome children
everywhere. This sweet snack is a customary gifts given at a special event
in the gnome community. They are given to gnome families at weddings,
births, engagements, funerals and as a welcome for favors and help given.
These chocolate covered sweetbread is filled with cream of the peanut ,
gets its name for the sight of gnome children as they follow their mothers
around when they deliver the snacks.

These double biscuits have a creepy background. Though they have great flavor and texture and are consumed all around Faerun today. There roots are
in the Necromantic Arts. The name comes for a necromantic chant used in the
process of raising armies of the dead to serve the necromancer. As legend
states these oat biscuits were formed the size of and eye socket and were
held together by the cream of the peanut. They were then placed in the eye
sockets of the dead and the chant begun. The literal translation means "Do
see two" Children often will re-enact this ritual by placing the biscuits
on their eyes and chanting Do-si-do ...Do-si-do... Do-si-do.

Aloha Chips
These crunchy hard chips are filled with exotic delight. They are a mainstay favorite of the Pirate Isles because of the abundance of the macadamia nut trees and the white cocoa tree, both of which are the main ingredients in this disk of delight.

February 8th the merchant shop at Shadow Gap closes for remodeling, so if you want to order, you need to get your orders in by that time....

The Trail from Gnoll Pass over Shadow Gap

Sunday, January 12 ~ @ Alan's in RSM

   Play? (7 of 8) Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Ann (Tai Chi)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES; but late... None but will oversleep
 Christian (?)  YES; but late... ?
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None
 Dean (Midnight)  NO ?
 Dale (?)    
 Rob (?)    

With Walker killed by a bolt of lightning, several party members ran down the Goblin Shamen & killed him, but he summoned a pack of Warg Wolves which were dispatched when they attacked. A few items were recovered from the Goblin, including a map to the Lair where the Orb is hidden. The map was ignored and and the party shared in Walker's stuff before putting his burnt corpse to rest in a shallow grave. A few days of travel took the group back to the farms outside of Stonebolt, where their farmer's family put them up and was handsomly rewarded by Karlock, who seems to be trying to buy redemption with generous flamboyance. A widow and woman who was missing her husband reported their plight to the party as they passed through Stonebolt. Along the road, a bloodied wagon was found, and Tao tracked the Gnolls to their cave lair. The party moved up the road to camp; Aswansea flew Tao, Steggels & Marissa back to the cave; Marrissa gave her potion of invulnerability to Tao who single handedly slaughtered all 12 Gnolls, and set the prisoners free; a Mage and the missing man Hanik. The Paladin and Aswansea returned the man to his wife's arms, and set the Mage on his way home; The Mage gave the party a ring of identification, which Aswansea gave to Marrissa. When the party made it up to Shadowgap where the Inn was in ruins, over rum by banes wraiths. A Cormierian Militia had set up an outpost in the gap; and a vendor bought some of the treasures and sold the party some goods. The next day the party headed over the pass; They set a trap to ambush some Orcs but were in turn ambushed with a hail of arrows...

Since we are using weapon speed it makes sense to start using speed factors for monsters;
so the DM will be using the creatures listed speed as a factor from a base of 10;
so a quick monster may get multiple attacks in a round.

New posts including Experience System. Archery including Crossbows, and Weapon Speed guide available in the Arcane Library

Jan 6th: Epiphany / 3 Kings Day
(Older Celebration of Jesus' Birth before Roman assimilation ~ Jesus' Baptism ~ visitation of the Magi)
Jan 6th; 12th day of Christmas

Jan 1st: New Years Day - Start of modern Solar Year calendar