Dec 28th


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Guest Book:

Campaign History 2002

Past Games... Who What When Where & campaign notes...
hese Recollections are limited to subjective experience of the author...
another's observations & recollections are always welcomed! Please submit 'corrections' or missed details via the guest book!

see most recent game recaps

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 28 9~6 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? (6 of 8) Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None
 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None
 Christian (Tao)


 Family Xmas Thang
 Dean (Midnight)



The party continued up the road.... They met a trapper with a load of hides, had a couple peacful days travel then came to a group of sling bearing guys who said the road was closed for the next few days for a druidic religious ceremony; Aswansea talked their way into the area and the party was stopped by a barbarian and a few more guys who attacked the party; The people were killed and the party turned & ran when a stone giant came out to challenge them; Heading in a loop east of the road, they were challenged by a giant Staghorn Beetle which they killed. Eventually they got back to the trail and camped; Late at night a party of goblins attacked; by the time the party was all awake & had killed the raiders, their Goblin Shaman had struck with a lightening bolt and dropped Walker and Tao. Tao recovered but Walker the Ranger was quite dead, a smoldering corpse of charred flesh. Some of the party took off after the shaman in hot persuit when we ended the session...

As we adapt to 3rd Edition Rules we have begun to figure out and implement the SKILLS and ABILITIES
All characters are being fleshed out with 3rd Edition talents.

New posts including Archery weapon speed, and a Weapon Speed guide avalable in the Arcane Library

See you next year!

Dec 26th - Jan 1st: Kwanzaa
Dec 26th: Boxing Day

Dec 25th: The date of the Winter Solstice in 46 BC
when the imperfect Roman Julian calendar was set.

Dies Natalis Invictus Solis (Eclectic Holiday by Emperor Aurelian in AD 274/5)

Christmas (Emperor Constantine declared 'Feast of the Nativity' Christian in AD 336)
Dec 25th - Jan 6th; 12 Rauhnächte or Wild Nights...
1st 12 nights of winter

Dec 21st 2002 @ 5:14 PM PST

The Winter Solstic

Birthday of Mithra (Persian)
Rebirth of Sol Invictus (Syrian)
Celebertation of Baal (Phoenician)

Friday - December 20th The Eve of the Solstice...

FRIDAY, December 20
 7:30 Show:
The 2 Towers
 Post Show:
Recap & Coffee

  5:30-6:30 PM

  7-10:45 PM

 Alan & Linda  YES  YES (2 tix)

 Kids !
 Bill & Dev  YES  YES (2 tix)  YES
 Ann  YES  YES (1 tic)  YES
 Mark & Sandra  YES  YES (2 tix)

 Shane & Matt  YES  YES (2 tix)

 Dale & Jane & Wes  YES  YES (3 tix)

 Rob & PJ      






 Paul & Angela




Happy HolyDays!
Nov 6th - Dec 6th '02: Ramadan

Nov 12th: Birth of Mirza Husayn Ali Baha'u'llah; 1817
Nov 28th: Thanksgiving
Nov 29 - Dec 7, '02: Hanukkah

Dec 5th: Krampus' Night
Dec 6th: Saint Nikolaus Day
Dec 6th '02: Eid-el-Fitr
(End of Ramadan)
Dec 7th '02: Hanukkah ends
Dec 14 - 24th: Saturnalia (Roman ~ Grain ~ Sickle)
(The 10 days before The Solstice - fixed erroneously to Julian calendar dates)

Sunday, November 17 ~ 9-5 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? (7 of 8) Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None
 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES Late...but there!
 Christian (Tao)  YES None
 Dean (Midnight)



The party continued up the road.... Attacked by a pair of Bane's clerics, with 5 archers and a pack of fighting dogs, the Party was challenged but prevailed. Tai Chi was able to get a bunch of new horses, had them stolen but recovered them and helped the party speed up to Gnoll Pass where the wraiths had slaughtered some 40 of the guard, freshly burried in th e field. The party camped out & slept long to recover. Duingthe night the dead were desicrated and all of the bodies were dug up and shambled away to join the zombie army of Bane. Afer some trade and reprovisioning, the party headed North into the stone hills. A pack of Leucrotta attacked & were defeated; and a large earth bug grabbed & ate Marissa's horse. A camp fire... mule train... pack of dogs in the distance... otherwise no signs of Bane on this road into the heart of Tasick's 'hood...

Saturday, October 5th ~ 2-7 or Midnight @ Mark's in Santa Ana
   Play? Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None; but 10 Hours!?
 Paul (Steggels)  N O Working in Seattle!
 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)  N O Swamped
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None; 2-12 or 2-7 is fine
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None
 Christian (Tao)  YES Morning meet - running late!
 Dean (Midnight)  YES None

Ann could not play and Paul was out of town; The Party continued on foot toward Elminster - up toward Gnoll Pass - An avatar upon awinged pegasus warned of a sweeping force of Bane's Wraiths. She took TaiChi on to Gnoll Pass to fetch some horses for the party. The remaining party took to a tree and avoided the group as they rode north. A few followed Midnight into the woods, and nearly ended her role, but Aswansea turned many and led the last away. They killed off 16 orcs that raided in the night, and defeated 5 Barghasts that hunted them all day and attacked after dark. The party regrouped and has continued up the road....

Monday, September 2nd  9-5 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None
 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None
 Christian (Tao)  YES None
 Dean (Midnight)  YES None

After surviving solo tranced encounters, the party healed up and then continued into Castle Kilgrave. The waif Kaitlin was tossed into the courtyard and pleaded for th econtinued attempt to free her mistress. The one door in th eback of the court yard opened a chamber with a woman shakled inside an orb of malevolent evil; guarde by some 20 animated sever4ed skeletal hands and 3 minions of evil. Once the hands and 3 minions were vanquished, a lightning bolt from Midnight freed the goddes Mistra from the sphere. Kaitlin ran to her mistress & they merged into one former diety; one who had lost her 'portfolio' and 'tablet'. Mistra took the party to see the unamed lord of all gods but was stopped by Helm himself; who destroyed her. HElm returned the party to the ash heap that was once Castle Kilgrave. Another set of dead horses, the party headed off to find the sage Elminster in the Dalelands,,,At night they fought off 4 Doom Bats, and the next day came upon a wagon with a mutilkaed horse and no riders on the wagon. Aswansea ordered a weapons drawn expediant run up the road but Walker - or was it Tai Chi - "Does it really matter" insubordinately began shouting about finding the departed teamster - which drew a group of 7 Trolls; A fierce battle dropped several of the Party - including the death of Tao; Midnight fortunately had the most powerfull scroll to raise dead and brought him back to life. The Party continued up the trail to Gnoll Pass...

 Battles at Castle Kilgrave

Read ye here what some solo characters
had to deal with!

Sunday, July 28h  10-5:30 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None
 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None
 Christian (Tao)  YES None
 Dean (Midnight)  ! No Show...

The Party met the Bard's friend Midnight who was looking for a party to join; the scroll and Harper / secret wars with the evil doers has recruited her as well. The egg's note referred to going West and seeking the War Mage Daress Bones. The clerics of Lethander summoned Aswansea as the girl Kaitlin Moonsong had reappeared, calling for Aswansea. Still unwilling to divulge her mistresses name, but revealing that she was weakened and needed help in the tower of Castle Kilgrave, before passing out again, apparently nearer to death. The Party agreed to follow Stegils as the leader, and headed on the day & 1/2 trek to Kilgrave. On the way the party slaughtered a dozen brigands, a pair of Zentharium Mages, and were attacked by a Wand of Lightning bearing raven and a pack of Orcs. When the Castle was found, the party split; 4 flew a reconnaissance survey of the strange place; not at all the ruins expected; The rest of the party fought off a giant. The party approached the castle gate; and Marissa was able to open the portal. Tao stepped in and disappeared. Aswansea went in on a rope tether and also disappeared. Eventually the rest of the party entered the foggy courtyard and all of the individual party members found themselves attacked by an ethereal looking worm monster with large orange eyes and huge mandibles, that swam above the ground and snapped at the party... they each blacked out as their feet were swept out from under them.

Sunday, June 30h  8:30-5 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? (6.5) Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Karlock)  YES None, but 8:30 might be tough! 8:45?
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None; but stuck with Bill's time line
 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)  YES None, but not at 8:30! Try 10ish!
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None; but stuck with Bill's time line
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None; hope to get a ride with Christian
 Christian (Tao)  YES Just till noon... so let's start at dawn! I'll be there @ 9!
 Dean ( ? )  YES ?

The Party spent much time shopping and doing recon in Arabel; After no success at reaching the Princess, and a prophetic god-speak from the old fool Molby ~ who was turned away by the 1st Church of Helm for not believing, but sloppily taken under wing by the Lathandrian church. (Sloppy as they let him wander away...) the party attempted to follow clues and make contact at the Eastgate Inn at Midnight; No one showed up AND they were not even captured or tortured although there was a brief moment of roof-top lesbo bitch slapping (with a dagger at throat involved) when Aswansea took a look out position with out informing Marissa. The Party came to some agreement that a leader was needed, and a single task to follow. Aswansea has committed to the task of solving the riddle of Bane's apparent resurrection, and offered to take the party if they accepted her leadership... lawful, good, no murder or mayhem, clean battle and following orders... She left scouted West to Eveningstar with Walker and Marrissa while Tai Chi collected horses and any messages before ridding West with the party. More shopping, including the hiring of henchmen by Karlock! and they finally rolled out by noon. The advanced party met with the Lethander cleric in Eveningstarr and learned that the wandering missionary clerics of Lathandar were scattering to get information. The party re-grouped on the road, and the next day made it to Eveningstar. They decided to march North over the mountains to find the source of the explosive release of chaos some few day s ago; They sought the help of a local ranger but he was not home. Aswansea order camp and was immediately contradicted by Karlock; Aswansea sternly dressed him down for insubordination and made it a bit clearer to a few more of the party that if she was to lead they had to show her the respect to follow; all decisions for the good of the party but no more insolent, chaotic initiative would be tolerated. The party had to choose if Asswansea was a worthy leader and decided to stay together. In the morning the party headed back to Eveningstar and came upon a grizzly battle scene; an entire pack of Lethanderian swordsmen were slaughtered on the road; only the cleaned bones of two horses and a few broken weapons were left; no bodies; only pools of blood, and an epitaph referencing Bane written in blood upon a large rock; A large flock of carrion birds were picking over the horses and scratching the bloody ground for gore; there was no sign of retreat or escape; all of the dead seemed to have vanished with their weapons. The head cleric of Eveningstar came out to inspect the scene and confirmed the identity of the leading cleric the party met the day before, not more than 1/2 hour before the battle must have taken place. The party asked for divine guidance and decided to head back to the dessert by know roads rather than attempt a cross country trek over the mountains to the North. When they got back to Arabell they were met by a mysterious girl who asked for help saving her captured mistress, who was to be unnamed. Before much could be divulged she passed out, bleeding, and was whisked to the Temple of Lathander, where the clerics tried to save her and promptly sloppily let her also vanish. A bard met two nights earlier revealed himself to be the message bearer; His cryptic riddle about smoke and Tao's recalling the red sealed scroll and coded reply, resulted in getting the egg passed to the party. The egg contained another note. The Party found out that Midnight was a woman, not a time of night, and she was a friend of the bard; with a black cat - not so mincing and not responding to the name Elsomar...

The party was about to meet her and get some information when the clock struck and reality pulled the party back to their other lives...

Friday, May 31st  5-? @ Lone Star Steakhouse in Tustin

Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon
1222 Irvine Blvd , Tustin

Followed by Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Why is anyone vested in Boba~Fet?
   Dinner?  Movie? Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea/(Tharkun? )  YES  YES None
 Paul (Steggels) NO SHOW NO Orange Planning Meeting
 Ann (TaiChi, Walker) NO NO Lives in San Diego!
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir) & Sandra  YES  Not Sandra None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES  YES None
 Christian (Tao) & NO NO Seen it...
 Dean ( ? ) & ? ? ?

Sunday, May 19th  9-4:30 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? (6) Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None
 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES Leaving at 2:30
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None
 Christian (Tao)  YES Leaving at 2:30
 Dean (Tharkun? )  YES Leaving at 2:30

The Party, with the help of Karlock's heroic ants, forced a cult of bane to their knees. Their head cleric surrendered and was disarmed and subdued. Marrissa in her blood lust tried to poke at the prisoner, which led Tai Chi to attempt a defense. Marrissa turned on her own party member and nearly drew blood. Aswansea and Karlock joined in arguing with Marrissa's decision to slaughter the defenseless prisoners. While the alignments became clearer, Steggels stepped forward in chaos and decapitated the helpless soul. Shock and disgust at the evil of the party forced an irreparable splitting of ways. Retreating out of Castle Crag, and heading down the road to Arabel until camp, the party held the peace ~ Then Aswansea said her "fair-wells" and left, accompanied by Tai Chi and Karlock. They recieved a boon from a Pixie and then an early send off wake up from an Ogre, Aswansea, Tai Chi and Karlock headed for Arabel. A group of thieves on the road stopped them and when a bribe was refused, attacked the peaceful trio. They escaped, healing their injured horses, and got into Arabel. They signed on to help the town recover - under marshal law since the chaos storm knocked down all the temples in town... They also reported the death of Tasick and let the guards know the head was en-route with the rest of the party. The rest of the party, being like minded evil chaotic scum, tipped the moonlighting gang of Tasick's thieves on the road with gold, and came later in the day. The parties attempted to get various items cashed in and identified, and the head was identified as not Tasick, but his brother Vanek. Now the killers of Tasick's kin are shamelessly running all over town to Tasick's favorite pawn brokers, selling his brother Vanek's stuff...

Sunday, April 14th  9-5 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? (7) Excuses:
 Alan (DM)  YES None
 Bill (Aswansea)  YES None
 Paul (Steggels)  YES None
 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)  YES None
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)  YES None
 Shane (Karlock)  YES None
 Christian (Tao)  YES None

The Party returned to Castle Crag and resumed their exploration of the dungeons. AFter killing 4 Ogres, teh part freed two merchants and a Gnoll loving Gnome from a cell. They continued, battling a pack of Gnolls and then further down ran into a pack of undead and animated a pair of crypt guardians. Backtracking, they finished off 3 more ogres and a Hill Giant. The day ended in the middle of a pitched battle where Karlock called in a pack of giant ants.

Happy Östara Fest!


ROMANIAN traditions

The Pagan Origins of Easter
By Royce Carlson

Easter celebrations were held hundreds of years before Christ was born as festivals of spring honoring Eostre, the great mother goddess of the Saxons.
This name was fashioned after the ancient word for spring, Eastre.
The goddess Ostara was the Norse equivalent,
whose symbols were the hare and the egg.
From this comes our tradition of celebrating with eggs and bunnies.

In the Mediterranean region, there was a pre-Christian spring celebration centered around the vernal equinox (March 20 or 21) that honored Cybele, the Phrygian goddess of fertility. Cybele's consort, Attis, was considered born of a virgin and was believed to have died and been resurrected three days later. The death of Attis was commemorated on a Friday and the resurrection was celebrated three days later on Sunday.
Attis derived his mythology from even earlier gods, Osiris, Dionysus, and Orpheus, who also were supposed to have been born of a virgin and suffered death and resurrection as long as 500 years before Christ was born.

Christ or Orphius?


Patricius Magonus Sucatus 385 ~ 3/17/461 AD

Saturday, March 16th  9-4 or 5 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? (4 to6)

 Alan (DM)


 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)


 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)


 Christian (Tao)


 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)


Must leave at about 4...
 Bill (Aswansea)


1st SOCDGA tournament
 Paul (Steggels)


Double Booked til 10 or so...
 Dick (Tharkun)

 N O

New Baby At Home!
 Shane (Karlock)

 N O


TASICK's Brother DIES!
he members of the Party were suprised by a group of Zentharium mages and rogues at the corner tower of Castle Crag. They held them off while Aswansea flew in 3 more of the party and engaged in a fierce battle. The final 3 were flown in and helped mop up the pitched battle, only then to find the party had slain who they assumed to be Tasick and his mage partner. The group began to explre the dungeon below the castle, when an etherial mance began attacking and chased them back to the tower. The party got away and camped, returning in the morning to find the place abandoned... and ready to plunder before Zentharium reinforcements arrive & hunt the party down.

Sunday, February 10th  9-5 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? (7)

 Alan (DM)


 Bill (Aswansea)


None... but noon BCI meeting I'll blow off
 Paul (Steggels)


 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)


 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)


 Shane (Karlock)


 Dick (Tharkun)


His daughter was born 2/9/02!
 Christian (Tao)



The members of the Party followed their battle with the Kobolds with a brief rest - disturbed by a cataclysmic earthquake which foreshadowed a terrible storm blasting from the North West dessert; forests south of Gnoll Pass were destroyed as if by a hurricane and the sun was darkened for a full day... as well as disrupting magical and spiritual powers for the party.

On the road to Arabel, the party was challenged and attacked by two Zentharium mages and a pack of Gnolls. Despite the dysfunction of magic, the party vanquished them and continued on. The party paused near the byway to Castle Crag and decided to make a raid after a night's rest... disturbed by 3 Yuan-Ti that slithered into the camp which the party had to kill or chase off.

In the morning the gang headed for Castle Crag; Steggels fell in a pit trap and then Marissa found 3 more traps before the path led to the fog shrouded ruins. Aswansea flew Tao, TaiChi and Marissa to a hole in the wall, then returned for Tharkun and Karlock. After flying them into the fog, Steggels, Walker & Karlock saw a figure running into the front gate; Before Aswansea delivered the second load, guards came out of the hole in the wall and were about to attack Marissa, TaiChi and Tao, who were scrambling (or trying to scramble) up the castles wall...

Sunday, January 13th  9-5 @ Alan's in RSM
   Play? (7)

 Alan (DM)


 Bill (Aswansea)


None; skipping a lunch party in my honor... If Aswansea's dead I'm out a here!
 Paul (Steggels)


 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)


 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)


 Shane (Karlock)


On a CRUISE?!! (1st black mark of 2002)
 Dick (Tharkun)


None; Can video tape the games
 Christian (Tao)



The braver members of the Party followed Walker, who tracked Aswansea's spilled blood into the lair of the Rock Lizards. Karlock gave Walker the strength of a bull and sought out Aswansea's location by detecting her pure alignment. A Gelatinous cube tried to dissolve Walker, but was scorched with burning oil and retreated. The Mother of All Rock Lizards fell upon Walker; a battle with the two parent Rock Lizards was brief but fierce, and Aswansea was rescued from the torments of being nibbled to death by the baby lizards. Buried in their nest midden was a headless warrior, bearing a magic shield, plate and great axe. The party remained in the cave for the night and resumed their trek in the morning.

The gang traveled from Tilverton to beyond Gnoll Pass on the way to Arabel. A curiously green knoll drew the party off the side of the road, where the hillot opened a huge mouth anb lunged toward Walker; Walker reared back and the hill ate Zedfir's horse in one bite. While their scattered mounts were herded up, part of the party killed the beast. Karlock and Tharkun shared a mount so no one would need to walk. Cold camping off the road, the party was awakened when a huge metal skinned Bull snorted toward the sleeping Walker & into camp. Aswansea tried to draw it away from camp, but it appeared quite stupid or intentional as it headed back toward Walker. It was dispatched before it got an attack, but being an enchanted metal skinned monster, it provided no meat.

The next day, a huge rock pile revealed itself to be an enormous scorpion as soon as Walker was with in 200 feet of it. It charged directly at Walker and the party cut away at a gallop. The Party out ran it and circled back up the road. A party of monks headed the other way warned of increased trouble on the road ahead. That night a Xill appeared and attacked Walker - He was nearly phased into etherealness but was saved when Karlock finished off the creature with his mace. The Party did not yet voice the growing unease and sense that Walker has a curse or foul Dharma which is drawing evil and death to his side... On the next day they approached the Gnoll Pass. A single traveler named Zahn hiking on foot asked to join the party, Revealed to be Chaotic Neutral, he charmed his way onto Tao's mount and rode into the keep with the party. Tao revealed his new magic axe to the stranger and needed to be be reminded of our need for secrecy. The inn at the keep provided good provisions and rest, and the party followed up on the critic clue given to them by the Harpers; The Keeper of the gate tower did have a new spy glass; and was willing to show it off in the morning in exchange for a good meal and some hospitality from the party. The talk of the town was also clearly aware that Tasic was captured but escaped and was holding fast near the Castle Crags, aided by Zentharium mages, and the reward has tripled since the party last saw him.

In the morning, while Aswansea was peering through the glass, an old water well was clearly viable in some old ruined homestead south of the keep. The party went exploring and Aswansea raised the old well's bucket. Just as Walker looked into the well a flock of Sturges flew out; attacking the party. The well bucket contained a Raise Dead scroll and a clue to the next contact; a Bard whose riddle refers to smoke. The Stirges were beaten off and the party returned to the keep. Zahn continued charming Tao; getting him to consider taking him into the party and even to promise to let him know before the party left. The Party did not, but quickly packed and got on down the road toward Arabel and off Gnoll Pass, The evening came with unnaturally quiet woods and before the first watch was set, a party of magic using Kobold archers caught the party in a triangulated cross fire. Clearly attacking Walker first and quickly dropping him, the flame arrows came from the darkness and nearly killed the party. Several were struck with dread and a few were panicked into freezing or were held by enchantment, With the boon of the dark vision rings given by the Thieves in Tilverton, the arrows were returned and Tai Chi stealthily dispatched the magic using enemy in the brush, Tao was killed despite Tharkun's angelic winged badger's help, and the Harpers' raise dead scroll obtained only that morning was put to good use. After much healing and retrieval of arrows, as well as discovering the ignition devices and flame arrows used, the party were not disturbed again for the night.

The penalty of not leaving his character sheet thus forcing Bill to ad lib Karlock's spells will result in Karlock LOOSING as many experience points as the parties greatest gained this day. This vile failure to appear and burden upon the community is the first black mark upon Shane and for the year 2002.

Saturday, January 12th  9-5 @ Alan's in RSM
 CANCELED 12:15 1/11/02  Play? NO!

 Alan (DM)


None; but would rather play Sunday...
 Bill (Aswansea)


None; but would rather go biking on Saturday the morning...
 Paul (Steggels)


None, but need to buy tires
 Ann (TaiChi, Walker)


None, but need to recoup from the new job & bake a cake
 Mark (Marissa, Zedfir)


 Shane (Karlock)


Actually I lied and am off the coast of Baja somewhere
 Dick (Tharkun)

 @ 12:30

Breast feeding class till noon - will get there asap!
 Christian (Tao)


N/A : Ask Alan why... I only told him, the rest of you can bite me while you still have teeth...

Tormenting Bill, who's Aswansea lies in the stinking lair of the Rock Lizards, awaiting rescue or pillaging burial, the players agreed to move the game date to Sunday so Christian could play and Dick could attend all day learn more than he ever wanted to about lactating breasts on Saturday... unbeknownst to even his protector Ann, Shane has taken u& p cruising and could not care less about which day the game took place. He hath earned a black mark...

Happy HolyDays!

Dec 5th: Krampus' Night
Dec 6th: Saint Nikolaus Day
Dec 10th 2001: Start of Hanukkah
Dec 14th 2001: Eid-el-Fitr
(End of Ramadan)
Dec 14 - 24th: Saturnalia
(Roman ~ Grain ~ Sickle)
(The 10 days before The Solstice - fixed erroneously to Julian calendar dates)

Dec 21st 2001 @ 11:22 PST: The Actual Winter Solstice

Birthday of Mithra (Persian)
Rebirth of Sol Invictus
Celebertation of Baal (Phoenician)
Dec 25th: The date of the Winter Solstice in 46 BC when the Roman Julian calendar was set.
Dies Natalis Invictus Solis (Eclectic Holiday cooked up by Emperor Aurelian in AD 274/5)
Christmas (Emperor Constantine declared 'Feast of the Nativity' to be Christian in AD 336)
Dec 25th - Jan 6th; 12 Rauhnächte or Wild Nights...1st 12 nights of winter
Dec 26th: Boxing Day
Dec 26th - Jan 1st: Kwanzaa

Jan 1st: New Years Day - Start of modern Solar Year calendar
Jan 6th: Epiphany / 3 Kings Day
(Older Celebration of Jesus' Birth before Roman assimilation ~ Jesus' Babtism ~ visitation of the Magi)
Jan 6th; 12th day of Christmas